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Charlotte Williams, founder of Seven Six agency

Charlotte Williams previously worked as a marketing manager and Sanrio and WAH nails, before starting her own business in 2019. SevenSix Agency is a social media and influencer marketing company, combining Charlotte’s marketing experience with her passion for diversity and inclusion, a topic close to her heart.

flèche vers le bas
Charlotte Williams

Can you tell us a little bit more about sevensix agency?

Sevensix agency was born out of my frustration at brands, agencies and PRs constantly overlooking black and brown talent. I founded the agency as a direct response to the lack of inclusivity not just in campaigns, but the influencer space as a whole. 

And where did the idea originate from? Is there a story behind the name?

"sevensix" is a nod to the race relations act 1976 (which is now the equality act 2010). This piece of legislation made racial discrimination in the uk unlawful. Equality is the DNA of sevensix agency.

You were an influencer marketing specialist as well as being an influencer in your own right, how did the marriage of the two sides of the industry help you become successful?

It was a natural progression, to be honest. i understand influencers in a way that many PRs don’t, simply because i have the mindset of an influencer. I’ve also worked and interacted with so many brands and agencies, which has provided me with a clear understanding of how to differentiate sevensix agency from others.

How have you navigated the obstacles the past year has thrown at us, personally and professionally?

I’ve spent this year trying to separate the two and find a balance, which is tricky considering how all over the place 2020 has been. Luckily, i’ve retained a sense of normality, professionally, since i have an office in my flat. when i’m not working, I make an effort to relax by bingeing an amazon prime series, getting some fresh air and exercise whilst taking my dog on a walk.

Your company advocates inclusion, have you found that since the black lives matter movement last year, more brands are opening up conversations about diversity?

Definitely! The BLM movement has led to a significant increase in black and brown content creators being sought out for campaigns. However, in order to implement sustainable change, brands must realise that diversity is more than a buzzword: it’s a true reflection of society. as much as we love to see black and brown faces in campaigns, this change must also extend inwardly. These same faces must occupy important positions within organisations, for there to be genuine change.

You must be discovering new talent all the time, who or which accounts are on your watch list at the moment?

We are expanding our portfolio in 2021, but can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet!

You also host a podcast (we don’t know how you do it all!) which focuses on guiding people around the ever growing & confusing topic of sustainability. What podcasts/books would you recommend for inspiration?

Sustainability is definitely a minefield to navigate! that’s why my co-host, bianca, and i started our podcast, sustainably influenced. with the help of our guest speakers, we educate our listeners on what it means to live a conscious lifestyle. Bianca also featured in the times, where she and other fashion experts delve into how to create your own eco-friendly and affordable wardrobe. You should check it out!

How would you describe your personal style, when it comes to jewelry?

I love classic shapes and color when it comes to my clothes and when it comes to jewelry I keep it classic in that department too but with lots of gold.

Do you own a piece of jewelry that is particularly sentimental to you?

I have a lot of my mum's jewelry that i wear day-to-day and i absolutely love the fact that she wore those pieces when she was my age and now i'm able to wear them too.

Do you have a mantra? Or is there something special you would get engraved on our confidence necklace?

A bit long but my mantra is ”go through life with the knowledge that there are people out there doing way more with way less”.

Thanks for speaking with us Charlotte!

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