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Courtney Weinblatt-Fasciano and Erin Ryder, co-founders of Cesta Collective

This week we speak to New York duo Courtney Weinblatt-Fasciano and Erin Ryder from Cesta Collective, about how they started their own bag brand collaboration with female artisans in Rwanda, Africa. The brand is on a mission to showcase their supply chain with integrity and use locally-sourced and sustainable materials for their products.

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Hey Morgane, thanks for taking us inside your jewelry box. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hey I’m Morgane Lay. I am a fashion photographer based in London and I was born and raised by the sea in Biarritz, France. 

You work with your fiance, so what’s it like working with your partner?

It’s fun! But can definitely be challenging, as spending so much time together has its ups and downs. It’s very unusual to have a quiet day at home without feeling the need to do bits and pieces of work. Therefore we have to make a conscious effort not to drive each other mad talking about, or doing work when at home. And we definitely need to make clear plans of how to spend our non-work time together. But working with your partner also means having someone to rely on, to support you without any competitiveness since we both trust that we want the best for each other. 

What’s the first piece of memorable jewelry you received?

One of my best friends gave me a gold chain ring for my 21st birthday which I had had my eyes on for years. I sadly lost it in the sea 4 years later and tried to keep it quiet but she eventually realised, and surprised me again with the same ring for my 30th birthday!

What really inspires you when you might be feeling a little lacklustre?

Erin: Travel. We both love to immerse ourselves in foreign places and cultures. These days, it's more turning to photo books and films that transport us -- even if it's only temporarily in our heads.has working for your own brand changed your personal style at all? Erin: Drastically! I've leaned very heavily into comfort. I live much more minimally now, buy less, and vote with my wallet by supporting other brands whose missions, supply chains, and founders I value. 

Courtney: Yes, I am more careful about what I spend my money on. I am more focused on shopping sustainably – investing in things that will last vs whatever the latest crazy trend is -- and more careful about what brands I support.

Yellow, Rose or White gold?

Yellow gold – ha it’s quite obvious!

Thanks for speaking with Kimai!