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How to Stack and Style Gold Rings

Intro: The rules for the perfect ring stack? There are none! But we love to think of wearing jewelry as curating your look in a personalized way. So when it comes to building a ring stack on your own fingers, we thought you might find some styling tips and tricks handy.

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Kimai Gold Ring Stack
The Art of the Ring Stack
The Art of the Ring Stack
The Art of the Ring Stack

Stacking made easy with our 18k recycled gold rings & top styling tips:

1. Mix it up

Now it’s cool to clash metals and colours, mix our yellow, rose and white gold tones together with the Wave and Ray rings.

2. Statement finger

Layer up rings with varying widths, we recommend our Lady and Wonder together.

3. Variety is key

Create visual balance in your ring stack with different weights and sizes, try our Prime on the pinky teamed with the Ally and Crown ring.

4. More is more

We firmly believe that when it comes to rings, you can never have too much sparkle. We think our lab diamonds look brightest when paired with each other, so go full pavé or for one of our stylized ring designs like the Billie.

Get stacking for your signature look.

And shop all our stackable rings here.