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The kind of housekeeping you want to do

We make all our jewelry using 18k recycled solid gold. This means you can shower in it, sleep in it, get caught in the rain in it and live your life as usual. But if you feel your pieces need a refresh – everyday dust and dirt can easily clog jewelry settings and make chains appear dull – it's good to give them a good polish and a deeper clean.

flèche vers le bas
Clean your Jewelry


The Basics of Cleaning Gold Jewelry

Here are some simple steps to follow, that will make your jewelry shine as bright as when you first bought it.

Step 1

Fill a bowl with 2 cups of warm water & add several drops of mild dish detergent.

Soap in warm water

Step 2

Soak your jewelry in the water and soap solution for 15 minutes.

Put jewelry in water

Step 3

Scrub with a soft toothbrush or a cotton swa, to dislodge any dirt stuck in your jewelry.

Brushing jewelry

Step 4

Simply rinse with clear hot water, buff dry, et voila!

Soaking in hot water

Last step

Et voilà

Take care of your jewelry and we will take care of keeping you updated with insider tips.