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Benedicte Burguet

This week we speak to the ultimate chic french woman, Benedicte Burguet, about working for Vanity Fair France and balancing her family life.

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Benedicte Burguet


Born in Rome, raised in Paris, Benedicte originally studied law and politics before finding her calling in fashion editorial. She’s now senior editor at Vanity Fair France and has ventured into writing lifestyle books.

You’re the senior editor for Vanity Fair France, how did you land your dream job?

It is a long story... I studied law for 5 years in Paris and graduated with an MA in political law and political sciences. But at the same time, I started writing for websites and blogs. This was 2005, when internet was experiencing its first growth. After my studies, I decided not to become a lawyer but to apply for editorial internships. Marie Claire, Lagardère, Le Figaro...etc. There, I met my mentor who hired me 3 years later at Vanity Fair!


And you recently became a Mum congratulations, what has motherhood taught you so far?

To be strong, definitely. As a mother, I try to give the best to my daughter without forgetting who I am and what I love. It can be a complicated exercise, which requires a lot of organization and concentration. I also realized how wonderful my husband is. We are partners, 50-50, so that I can focus on my daughter and on my job. Many of my friends have become mums this year and I have noticed how difficult motherhood can be. I recently launched a line of t-shirts called Mommylicious, just to remind us of how strong and wonderful we are.

We’ve loved all the beauty tips you shared on your Instagram account during the lockdown. What are your top 5 beauty products you can’t live without?

  • Augustinus Bar the cream (the best cream for my skin)

  • Joelle Ciocco Lait capital

  • vegetal oil (avocado, sesame, argan...)

  • Uriage Hyséac Pâte SOS (not glamorous but super efficient)

  • Susanne Kaufmann Glow Mask

Which beauty accounts do you go to for daily inspiration?

My friend Muse & Heroin, a true clean beauty guru and Oh my cream, The Cut, Violet Grey…

What would be your one piece of advice for someone wanting to break into the industry?

This is a difficult question because I’m not sure I consider myself to have "broken into the industry.” The work is constant. You have to be thinking about what's next all the time. Never take anything for granted. This industry is fast and you have to be able to run at the same speed, which is not an easy thing to do. For me, the key is to have a good vision of the market, to meet as many people as possible and to formulate your desires, your projects. And to always stay true to your values.

Editors lead very busy lives. What do you do to unwind?

I take a bath and watch Netflix. Before my daughter was born, I read books. But today I'm running out of time. It’s only temporary: I intend to hit my library very soon.

What is your most treasured piece of jewelry and why?

It is my engagement ring. I designed it with family diamonds. I love it, but I do not wear it a lot. At the moment, I wear a bangle ring from Buccellati. A birth gift from my husband.

If you could engrave one mantra onto our confidence necklace, what would it be?

Where there is a will, there is a way.